7 Tips to Convert your Sales Leads to Customers

Lead conversion isn’t rocket science. You however need to understand that the majority of your leads won’t automatically convert into sales by simply being sent through your conversion funnel. It will often require additional help to produce the conversion. This article contains Seven (7) tips to help your business convert more leads to customers.

It’s a lot simpler than you may think. I promise you won’t need to manipulate or hypnotize anyone into buying!

Here’s the best part: as you strive to increase your revenue, you will find that you are actually serving your potential customers better. It’s as simple as giving them what they want.

Our minds decide what to buy; so if you know how mind functions, you have the power to influence the decisions people make.

Let’s proceed. What are the ways to convert leads to customers? Read more Read more

7 Reasons to Choose WordPress as your Business Website CMS

30{37672b092a991ac5006735a205e1efe85c1632f17f0adee9d085b52aed5eab98} of the entire web uses WordPress — a figure that rises every day!

Everything from simple websites, to blogs, to complex portals and enterprise websites, and even applications, are built with WordPress.

What makes WordPress so special? Well, this quote from the WordPress website, pretty much sums it up:

Beautiful designs, powerful features, and the freedom to build anything you want. WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time.

Still need some convincing? You’re at the right place!

Here are 7 reasons why we say WordPress is the best website CMS platform for businesses. Let’s go!

1. WordPress is Highly Extensible
WordPress does not limit you in any way.

Whenever you have a new feature in mind you would like to add to your website, it’s usually just one plugin away.

This means you don’t need to spend much time or money coding from scratch. It’s also very easy to add and configure these plugins.

Here’s a quote from the WordPress to drive home this point:

WordPress comes packed full of features for every user, for every other feature there’s a plugin directory with thousands of plugins. Add complex galleries, social networking, forums, social media widgets, spam protection, calendars, fine-tune controls for search engine optimization, and forms.

2. WordPress Makes it Painless to Redesign your website
With WordPress, your website can get a complete makeover within a short period.

Of course, depending on the size of your website, this can range from a couple of minutes to days (or weeks), but however long, it’s still faster than most CMS platforms.

For instance, at MEGAapps, we either create custom-made WordPress themes or customize premium ‘ready-made’ themes. The latter is usually faster, but the approach depends on the project goals.

Here’s something else you should know:

If your website is built on WordPress, the advanced theming feature of the platform enables you redesign your website without having to re-upload your content. Sweet!

Even though the entire look and feel of your website will change, your content does not get messed up. How great is that?

Hear from WordPress:

…there’s a theme directory with thousands of themes for you to create a beautiful website. None of those to your taste? Upload your own theme with the click of a button. It only takes a few seconds for you to give your website a complete makeover.

3. Managing a WordPress Website Doesn’t Require Technical Knowledge
Unlike may other CMS platforms out there, WordPress doesn’t require a lot of technical skills or experience to use.

Here at MEGAapps, once we’ve built a website for a business, after a short training, clients that have never used WordPress before are able to start managing their websites right away.

Here’s how WordPress’ simplicity is described on their website:

Simplicity makes it possible for you to get online and get publishing, quickly. Nothing should get in the way of you getting your website up and your content out there. WordPress is built to make that happen.

4. WordPress is Inexpensive to Run and Maintain
The WordPress software and most plugins are completely free.

If you are not willing to learn how to build websites yourself, you may still need to pay a web designer or an agency like MEGAapps, but even at that, the cost here cannot be compared to that of coding a website from scratch.

Also, in terms of hosting, you do not need a super-expensive server. For most basic websites, cheap ‘shared hosting’ plans are good enough.

5. WordPress is Search Engine Friendly
WordPress is built to be search engine friendly.

If you know us well at MEGAapps, you know we love SEO. What’s the point having a website for your business that isn’t search engine friendly?

Hear from WordPress themselves concerning the SEO feature of the software:

WordPress is optimized for search engines right out of the box. For more fine-grained SEO control, there are plenty of SEO plugins to take care of that for you.

6. WordPress Makes Blogging Super-Easy
WordPress started as a publishing platform.

While it has grown over the years to become a much more sophisticated software, it still has great strengths for content publishing.

WordPress makes it very easy to share news, updates and blog articles (like this one).

WordPress also comes loaded with a powerful commenting system, so you can get feedback from your audience… and who doesn’t love feedback?

Read this quote from the WordPress website:

If you’ve ever created a document, you’re already a whizz at creating content with WordPress. You can create Posts and Pages, format them easily, insert media, and with the click of a button your content is live and on the web.

… and this one:

Your blog is your home, and comments provide a space for your friends and followers to engage with your content. WordPress’s comment tools give you everything you need to be a forum for discussion and to moderate that discussion.

7. Keeping your WordPress Website Updated is Easy
One drawback to the use of WordPress is security. Due to its popularity, it is a target for hackers and spammers.

WordPress however combats this issue actively by constantly releasing updates to address vulnerabilities and further secure the platform.

5 Skills to Help You Become a More Valuable Digital Marketer

Due to the ever-increasing growth in digital space, the need for valuable digital marketers continues to grow.

That being said, companies still need professionals who are capable of achieving their goals efficiently.

Besides having the required (technical) digital marketing skills such as Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, SEO, etc., what differentiates you from other digital marketers are the extra skills you have to offer.

Now, no one is saying you should become a ‘digital octopus’ but having these extra skill sets puts you in a position where you become more valuable to whoever seeks to hire your services.

What are these additional skills that will help you become the best of the rest?

Without wasting much time, let’s look at 5 skills you need to become a more valuable Digital Marketer.

1. Design
Content Marketing has gone far beyond words. People now generally prefer visuals as means of communication. This is why having basic design skills is very important.

As a digital marketer, you should have basic knowledge of at least one design software such as:

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Canva (I really like this one for its simplicity)

2. Writing
If you want to be a successful digital marketer, you must write!

You are going to have to write different types of content such as:

Blog posts
Guest posts
Ad copies
Website contents
Email newsletters etc.
Your ability to write and write well can be the difference between being a good and a great digital marketer.

3. Using Content Management Systems (CMS)
A CMS helps manage the creation, uploading, processing, publishing and monitoring of your contents like videos, images, articles etc. You can equally use CMS to design a website.

The best thing about most CMS platforms is that they are very easy to learn. A few Google searches and YouTube tutorials and you should be good to go.

Irrespective of what you want to achieve with a CMS, it’s essential to have the basic CMS skills.

Examples of CMS platforms include:

WordPress (Most Popular)

4. Analytics
One of the many things you’ll be doing is a digital marketer is analyzing data – from social media analytics to web analytics.

You’ll need to know where traffic is coming from, the best time of the day to post, pages your users visit the most, and many more important metrics.

While analytics software help you track and measure the progress of any campaign, being able to use the data derived to optimize and boost a campaign for a better success rate is the ultimate achievement.

If you can learn and have a good grasp of Google Analytics, then you are already halfway there.

5. Your Creativity
The fact that digital marketing constantly evolves makes having creative skills all the more important. You are definitely going to have to come up with campaigns for your business or clients.

There is no crime in replicating the successful campaigns of your competitors but it makes it even better if you are able to come up with something unique that will make your brand stand out and attract the attention of the audience.

To do this, you have to channel all your inner creativity and put it to good use.
